By: Susan Dugdale
How is your vocal image?
Do you really know how others hear you?
And do you know what they think or feel about you, as a result of listening to your voice?
Is it good? Bad? Or, indifferent?
It's well known that how we dress and present ourselves has an almost instant impact on the people we meet. In some situations, for example, job interviews, work presentations and special social occasions, that impact is critical.
We are judged on our appearance and those initial judgments form the basis of how we are perceived or thought of. At a job interview a crumpled shirt, scruffy trousers and scuffed shoes may say to a prospective employer: 'I don't care enough to make an effort.'
What's less well known is that voice or voice quality has a similar effect.
Voice image is the 'secret' of people who use their voices professionally. Actors, radio broadcasters, television presenters, politicians, tele-marketers, professional speakers, all of whom depend on the impression their voice makes for success, know its importance. They systematically work to sustain and improve it.
What you do with your voice, how you speak, matters. It can open doors for you or slam them shut. If you teach, the quality of your voice effects how well your students learn.
Like it or not, we make judgements, mostly unconscious, about each other based on how a voice sounds to our ears.*
*You'll find links to research and articles verifying the impact of voice on perception at foot of the page.
In your mind summon up the sound of a voice making you want to put your fingers in your ears because hearing it is painful.
What are its qualities?
Have you decided they are:
Let's focus now on a voice that you love listening to.
What are its qualities?
What personality traits do you automatically assume about the speaker?
Would you say they are more likely to be confident, authoritative, intelligent, understanding, independent, attentive, interesting, energetic, dynamic, mindful of others, warm, caring, respectful...
The easiest and most effective way to do this is to record yourself.
Merely listening to yourself inside your own head won't give you the clear feedback you need.
There can be a vast difference between what we think we sound like and what we actually do. I know because I've experienced it. Hearing myself let me know exactly what I sounded like and where I needed to put the effort in. We lie to ourselves!
Ideally what you want is a 1 - 2 minute sample of your normal speaking voice - the voice you'd use naturally without self-consciousness.
Talk about your day, who you're meeting after work, what you're planning for dinner, your last vacation - any topic that is relatively easy to find something to say about.
Play back the clip and listen as objectively as possible to what you hear.
If you were somebody else, what would you think about the speaker?
What aspects of delivery do you need to focus on if you want a confident dynamic voice? a collective package made up of equal parts of breath control, articulation, volume, pitch, tone, pausing and speaking rate.
A great voice is strong in all of them.
This is essential for flexible voice production. If you are holding your breath or breathing from the top of your lungs the quality of your voice will reflect that.
You'll find some useful breathing exercises here. They are the same ones for reducing anxiety. In doing them you'll receive a double benefit - a better voice and lowered tension.
This is how you say your words. Are they clear? Are the endings, as well as the beginnings, distinctly audible? If you mumble or drop off starts and finishes of words, you'll find these old-fashioned tongue twisters useful as well as fun.
This is knowing 'how' to say a word. It is different from articulation in that you can mispronounce words but still be speaking clearly!
You'll find some commonly mispronounced words and phrases on this page on proper pronunciation as well as a useful link to a larger list of frequently muddled words.
Volume, pitch and tone cover how loud or quiet your voice is, as well as the range it travels through (high to low), and its quality. They're an essential part of what you need to understand to use your voice well.
Click the link for exercises to develop flexibility in these three aspects of vocal variety.
A pause in the right place for the right length of time gives your speech emphasis and definition. And as you know, silence can speak louder than words! ☺
Check out these exercises on how to make effective use of pausing.
This refers to the speed your words come out of your mouth. Depending on the context, speaking either too fast or too slowly can be a problem.
Click the link to find exercises to help you achieve a variable and appropriate speaking rate.
If you need more than is available here (for instance, help with modifying a strong accent or a stubborn stammer), do seek professional advice. You'll find qualified voice coaches or speech therapists either online or in your local area.
If you'd like to better your vocal image in the company of others dedicated to improving their public speaking, try Toastmasters International.
Toastmaster clubs are all over the world. There's bound to be one near you. Check on the website link above to see.
If you speak in any way professionally (teach, sell, work in a call center ...), please do not ignore voice image. It may not be talked about openly in the same way that how you dress is, or your body language, but it is equally important.
Your voice can either help or hinder you. Please choose to make it work for you.
Do make time to watch Dr. Wendy LeBorgne's excellent TEDxTalk: Vocal Branding: How Your Voice Shapes Your Communication Image. She is an author-pioneer of research and education in the science and power of the elite voice. For more see: Dr Wendy - voice pathologist.