Reading the notes before trying to decide what you'll talk about will make the process of choosing the perfect persuasive speech topic simpler.
How to pick the right persuasive speech topic
The trick to picking the best topic from the bewildering mass of possibilities begins with understanding what makes a speech topic idea 'good'.
What makes a speech topic good?
While there are many factors that combine to make a 'good' speech topic, the three main ones are:
the subject matter is something you are genuinely interested in. If you're enthusiastic about your subject, you'll enjoy doing the research required and you'll do it thoroughly. What's more, your interest will show in the way you give your speech. A passionate person is a great deal more persuasive than someone who is ambivalent about what they're talking about.
something your audience will be interested in hearing about. Before you make a final choice consider carefully who you are talking to. As a group what particular topic, subjects or issues will make them want to sit up and listen? You'll want to avoid topics that have limited or little appeal to your audience.
For example, you may be fascinated by your Great-Grandmother's hand crocheted doily collection, but will your audience really share your opinion that everyone would benefit from learning to crochet? Unless they're all like you, I don't think so!
something that has not been covered a 'squillion' times, already. You want a fresh topic!
Beware! Some persuasive speech topics are tired
All the engaging 'wow, that's interesting' energy has been squeezed out of them because they have been covered over and over again. Those topics are exhausted through overuse. They've become cliches.
Most people do not want to listen to another speech:
smoking/vaping should be banned,
the legal drinking age should be raised to 21,
wearing seat belts in vehicles should be compulsory, or
the voting age should be lowered.
Even if the issues they raise are unresolved choose something else rather than risk boring your audience.
Of course, there are exceptions! If you have a genuinely fresh and interesting angle to bring, perhaps new information or research to share, then go ahead. However, make that clear from the outset, otherwise you'll risk losing your audience's interest before you've had a chance to get your speech underway.
Remember - local and topical is GOOD
Before settling on a persuasive speech topic from my list check what's going on right under your nose.
Great persuasive speech topics can pop out of your local community newspaper, radio, TV, or even your Facebook page. These could genuinely interest your audience.
After all it's where you all live and the issues in your community have an impact on everyone's wellbeing.
The 'Wellywood' sign saga
I've just flicked through a copy of the local community news I picked up at my supermarket.
There were articles about a huge sign Wellington airport is considering placing on a prominent hill alongside the runway. It will read "Wellywood".
Airport authorities say it supports our thriving film industry, celebrating and building on the success of "The Lord of the Rings".
Those against it argue it's cheap copycatting of the famous Hollywood sign. They say the thousands of overseas visitors per day who see it will hoot and snort with derisive laughter.
There are two potential persuasive speech ideas right there: depending on your point of view, either for or against the sign.
Another piece was on the mixed success of a newly introduced recycling
Yet another was on depression alongside the story of a young
man who suffered from it. What angles could be taken on either of those?
How to use this list of speech topic suggestions
Note down 3 possibilities as you go through the list of speech topics below.
As you read apply the three 'tests' for selecting a good persuasive speech topic I've already mentioned: your interest in the topic, its appeal to your audience and its freshness.
In addition to those there are a few other factors to bear in mind before committing yourself.
Other important factors to consider
Any of these could also influence your choice.
the time you have to research the topic thoroughly If it's a complex topic and you have limited time to prepare you may want to reconsider.
your desired outcome A successful persuasive speech persuades! It challenges and seeks to change the way people think, feel and behave. What do you want your audience to do as a result of hearing you speak? Sign a petition, make a donation, vote for you, volunteer ...? What you want to happen is often called a 'most wanted response' or MWR. Being clear about that will help you choose your topic as well as shape your speech.
your credibility How qualified are you to speak on the topic you've chosen? Do you have personal experience on your side? How long have you been interested in it? Have you done your research? Have you found reliable resources from reputable sources covering all angles of your topic?
100+ good persuasive speech ideas
Animals/birds ...
Factory farming of animals (e.g. of cows, sheep, pigs or chickens) is inhumane.
Humane meat production is an oxymoron.
Exotic animals can make excellent pets.
Should rats, mice and birds be used in scientific experimentation?
Pit-bull dogs are dangerous.
There are significant advantages to animal testing.
Puppy mills should be illegal.
The domestic cat is a serious threat to endangered birds.
Pet therapy should receive more funding.
Birds should not be kept in cages.
Wild animals should be left in the wild.
Artists should be supported and funded by the state.
Cultural appropriation in any form is an insult.
No subject should be considered taboo in art.
Graffiti is art.
Indigenous artifacts should be returned to their rightful owners.
Famous artists are entitled to have their rights to privacy respected.
Music videos are an art form in their own right.
Art should be freely accessible to all.
Tattooing is a modern form of Fine Art.
Art appreciation and practice should be compulsory subjects.
Respecting cultural difference should be taught in all schools.
Everyone should know about the culture(s) they are born into.
Culture is essential, just like fresh air and food.
Hands-on defensive driving training should be compulsory.
Electric vehicles should be subsidized.
Internal combustion engine powered vehicles should be taxed to cover emissions.
Bicycles and cars should have separate roads.
Children under the age of 10 should not ride bicycles on public roads.
Everybody who holds a driving license should be regularly retested.
Driving while using a cell phone should be illegal.
Private vehicle ownership and use in cities should be restricted.
Public transport in cities should be readily available and affordable.
Money is not the root of all evil.
Power does not necessarily corrupt.
All workers should at least receive the minimum wage.
All workers should be paid equitably for the same job regardless of differences in race, gender or sexuality.
The minimum wage should be increased.
Local businesses deserve more support.
Using cheaper foreign labor for manufacturing is ruining our economy.
Homelessness is the result of choice.
Becoming a parent should be an earned privilege.
Same-sex marriage should be accepted in the same way that heterosexual marriage is.
Juvenile crime is a cry for help not punishment.
Guns should not be allowed in public places.
Helping those who need it in the community should be everyone's responsibility.
Food should never be wasted.
Community service projects create healthier communities.
All education should be free.
Higher education is over-rated.
Boys and girls should be educated separately.
Students should wear uniforms.
GPAs (Grade Point Averages) are more harmful than helpful.
The state colleges versus private colleges debate is meaningless.
Sex education is essential.
Mental health should be a mandatory subject in schools.
Everybody who wants to go to school should be able to.
Ranking student ability using traditional examinations should be stopped.
Assessment of a student's progress should be measured against themselves not their peers.
Class sizes should be smaller.
What is right? Choosing a major on the basis of personal interest or because of a potential salary?
On-line teaching is as effective as classroom-based teaching.
Being 'green' is a fashionable fad.
Many current farming practices damage the environment and should be banned.
All plastic packaging must be banned.
Disposable diapers need to be biodegradable.
Should fracking be illegal?
Renewable energy schemes should be supported.
Climate change is a fact.
Mining in environmentally vulnerable areas should be stopped.
'Green' spaces are good for mental health. There should be more parks.
Lying is always wrong.
Truth is never debatable, or alternative.
There is never an excuse or reason good enough to declare war.
Free speech should not be confused with hate speech.
What is 'right' and 'wrong' changes from generation to generation, from culture to culture.
Is it right to allow white supremacists to hold rallies?
Should drones be allowed in military warfare?
Ethical considerations should underpin stem-cell research.
Disabilities of any sort (mental, emotional, or physical) are an opportunity for personal growth.
Healthcare is the responsibility of the individual, not the state.
What we eat, we become.
What we think, we are.
Drug addicts are chronically sick. They have a disease.
Access to effective, safe birth control should be a right.
Plastic surgery should be only for those who really need it.
Assisted dying (suicide) should be legal.
Vaccinations in schools for common infectious diseases should be compulsory.
A tax on sugar would help lessen the spread of diet related health problems.
Fast foods should not be blamed for health concerns.
Good affordable housing would solve many chronic health problems.
Therapies, like art or music, should be government funded.
Global warming is real.
The idea of peace on earth is naive.
Nationalism creates and sustains enemies.
Cultural difference should be celebrated.
First world countries should meaningfully and freely assist countries who need help.
Power does not necessarily corrupt.
Religion has no place in government.
State censorship or surveillance is never a right course of action.
That giant international companies should not be able to dodge paying tax.
Military service should be compulsory.
It should be illegal to own or have a semi-automatic or assault weapon.
Modern media is to blame for lowering moral standards/ reading levels/ escalating violence. (Select one!)
Online games can be good for you.
Internet chat rooms should be monitored.
Facebook (or any other form of social media) is replacing the need for face-to-face communication.
Cyberbullying controls should be more actively put in place.
Monitoring media of any sort should be banned.
Religious tolerance should be encouraged.
All religious institutions should be monitored by the state.
Animal sacrifices as part of religious practice need to be viewed in context.
Should students be allowed to follow their religious practices in public schools?
Food engineering is the way of the future.
Cell phone use in public places should be controlled.
Should the government put restrictions on the development and use of AI?
Designer children - is this good for future generations?
Cloning is justifiable.
Self-driving cars should be legal.
Should schools teach the use of AI tools?
The use of robots should be limited.
All professional athletes should be required to take regular drug tests.
Professional male and female athletes in the same sport should be paid equally.
Children should not be allowed to play collision sports.
Is cheerleading a sport?
Competitive sports teach us valuable life lessons.
Physical education should be a compulsory subject.
No-one should be barred from a sport because of their gender.
Getting from compelling topic to persuasive speech
For help turning your chosen persuasive speech idea into a fully-fledged speech check these pages.
Resources for preparation
Persuasive Speech Outline Find out more about structuring an effective persuasive speech using Monroe's Motivated Sequence, the classic 5 step pattern used by all professional persuaders: politicians, the advertising industry, and PR experts. There's a step-by-step example outline and a printable blank persuasive speech outline template for you to use too.
Image per courtesy Purdue University
And here's a persuasive speech example that uses Monroe's Motivated Sequence. Before you go to look I'd like you know its content is potentially controversial: suicide and the impact it has on close family and friends.
Sample Speech Outline This is the familiar 3 part speech outline - good for any type of speech. Read the step by step instructions then download a free blank speech outline to complete. Fill it in and you're ready to go!
How to Write a Speech Step by step easily followed instructions for shaping your material into an effective speech.
More persuasive speech topics to choose from
And if you're still in need of persuasive speech ideas check these pages: