By: Susan Dugdale
So you want to learn how to read poetry aloud. Good on you. That's great!
And it's probably because you're preparing for a special occasion.
You are going to stand in front of others to deliver the poem you've chosen. Perhaps at a birthday celebration? A wedding? Maybe a funeral? Or a class presentation?
For many people this is totally terrifying.
They're scared they'll stumble over the words, won't understand what the poem is about and, consequently make a complete fool of themselves.
If this is you, relax.
A poem is not a poisonous snake. It will not bite, and you do not have to tip-toe around it.
Learning how to read a poem out loud is relatively straightforward and with practice you may even get to enjoy it!
Read your poem through silently several times to familiarize yourself with its core ideas and images.
What's the main point of this poem? What's the poet saying? (Can you put that into your own words? Try. It will help you make sense of it.)
Similarly, allow yourself to see the images/scenarios created by the words in your imagination. Likewise feel the emotions.
The more you understand and get inside the poem, the more likely your audience will be able to understand it when you deliver it.
Be sure to look up any unfamiliar words in an online dictionary for their meaning and pronunciation.
American poet, Eve Merriam has inspired countless people all over the world to play with poetry by making it accessible and fun.
Try her poem aloud.
It's truly delicious!
"Don't be polite.
Bite in.
Pick it up with your fingers and lick the
juice that may run down your chin.
It is ready and ripe now, wherever you are.
You do not need a knife or a fork or a spoon
or plate or napkin or tablecloth.
For there is no core
or stem
or rind
or pit
or seed
or skin
to throw away."
Find more about Eve Merriam here.
Read your chosen poem quietly aloud to yourself following the guidelines given by the punctuation, listening for its musicality or beat.
If you need them, there are tips for interpreting punctuation here.
Read slowly. Allow each word its space. The temptation is to rush. Resist it.
Once you've 'got the flow' of it, stand up and read the poem aloud authoritatively.
Now that you're more confident 'play' with your delivery, experimenting with vocal variety.
For example, what happens if you stress this word rather than that word? Does it change the meaning? How?
Say your poem as many ways as you can.
Say it loud. Say it soft. Say it gathering speed, getting faster and faster. Say it slow and low. Say it with a silly accent.
In short, have fun with it. Experiment! And record what you do.
When you play the recordings back, you'll find some of the ways you've tried will sound much better than others. Take the ways that work, blend them and try again.
Poems are very forgiving. You can flub the words and mangle the meaning but they will not break.
To illustrate how a poem is said alters how it's experienced by those listening to it, I recorded Eve Merriam's poem 'How to eat a poem' five different ways.
Click the link to find out more about playing with vocal variety: the way you say words.
Read your poem in front of several friends before going 'live'.
Have them give you feedback on:
Incorporate their feedback and then present your poem.
The ability to read poetry aloud is a gift of immense value.
Because the right poem, read well, expresses with grace and clarity thoughts and feelings that are often difficult to find appropriate words for in ordinary, everyday conversation.
For instance I recently read this beautiful Bub Bridger poem - Wild Daisies at my niece's wedding. (See the excerpt below. This is the last segment of the poem.)
If you're wanting a reading about love that is both simple and profound do take a look. At the reception I got numerous compliments for choosing the poem and for the way I delivered it. Sadly, I could only accept half of them - those about its reading as Ruth, my niece, selected it.
(What great taste she has! ☺)
You'll hear me, Susan, reading them. There are two collections of poems for funerals.
I recorded these to help people searching for a poem to read as part of a service. Hearing, as well as reading them, makes it easier to decide whether a poem fits their needs.
All four are popular choices.
You'll find them on this page: funeral poem readings.
You'll find the text of each poem, along with an interpretation, (a guide to its meaning), audio, and a printable, here: Funeral poems: Remember Me.
There are also recordings of 6 much-loved children's nonsense poems. You'll find those here, along with activity suggestions and printables: poems for kids
It's not as difficult as you may think to craft something original and special. The result may not be award winning! However, that's not the aim of the exercise. If your wish is to express your thoughts and feelings uniquely, you can.
Find out here how to write a poem in free verse.